Nearly everyone has had a run-in with a spider in their home. While spiders serve an incredibly important role in the environment by controlling insect populations, that doesn’t mean you want to see them in your home. There have been over 600 different species of spiders spotted in South Carolina, though some are much more common than others. These spiders not only vary in appearance, but also in temperament. Identifying what species of spider you’re dealing with is a crucial component of treating an infestation – this is something that your local pest control specialist can help you with.
Importance of Managing Spiders
While the presence of spiders in your home is typically something that can be managed without the intervention of a pest control specialist, that isn’t always the case. Some species of spider, such as the brown recluse and the black widow, have bites that can be life-threatening if left untreated. Further, spiders have an incredibly fast reproductive rate. This means that a few spiders can quickly turn into dozens if the issue is left unaddressed.
Spiders, like nearly all pests, are attracted to areas that provide them with a reliable source of food. While the spiders you see in your home may not necessarily pose a threat to your wellbeing, they may indicate the presence of other types of pests. Calling a pest control specialist to assist in managing your spider infestation is important to effectively keeping your home pest free. At Pinpoint Pest Management, our technicians are experienced in handling spiders and are able to accurately identify other pest control concerns that may be attracting spiders to your home.